The Black Forest Arts & Crafts Guild is proud to present THREE scholarship recipients this year.

Krista Riester graduated from Pine Creek High School and is attending University of Wyoming. Her field of study is Engineering.
Community and High School Activities Include: National Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Epic Club – social interaction between students, Scholastic Art – Numerous Art Competitions, Eyes Wide Open
Club – Spreading awareness of global issues that affect today’s youth, Peak Reader Tutor, 4-H Youth Mentor – mentor in horse care, riding, equine knowledge, and shows. Show Management, 4-H Youth Clinitian – teaching
4-H members, Youth Sewing Instructor, Role Reversal Show – 4-H Fund raising event, 4-H Club President 2011
and 2013, Vice President 2012, State and County Fair award winner in Quilting, Sewing, Knitting, and Horse,
American Junior Paint Horse World Judge, 4-H Youth Council Representative, Head Start Fundraiser, Robinson Construction – employee, Horse Bowl – verbal horse knowledge competition, Horse Judging, Hippology – equine knowledge competition.

Elizabeth Thompson graduated from Pine Creek High School and is attending Colorado State University – College of Natural Science. Her field of study is Zoology.
Community and High School Activities Include: National Honor Society
National French Honor Society.
National Art Honor Society, Swim Team, Karate since eighth grade, Fire Mitigation and clean-up, Creek
Connection – mentor & orientation for incoming freshmen to Pine Creek High School, Religious Education
Teacher, Boettcher Scholarship Applicant, National Academy of Future Scientists & Technologists Award of Excellence.

Krista Riester graduated from Pine Creek High School and is attending University of Wyoming. Her field of study is Engineering.
Community and High School Activities Include: National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Epic
Club – social interaction between students, Scholastic Art – Numerous Art Competitions, Eyes Wide Open
Club – Spreading awareness of global issues that affect today’s youth, Peak Reader Tutor, 4-H Youth Mentor –
mentor in horse care, riding, equine knowledge, and shows. Show Management, 4-H Youth Clinitian – teaching
4-H members, Youth Sewing Instructor, Role Reversal Show – 4-H Fund raising event, 4-H Club President 2011
and 2013, Vice President 2012, State and County Fair award winner in Quilting, Sewing, Knitting, and Horse,
American Junior Paint Horse World Judge, 4-H Youth Council Representative, Head Start Fundraiser, Robinson Construction – employee, Horse Bowl – verbal horse knowledge competition, Horse Judging, Hippology – equine knowledge competition.
Congratulations and best wishes!
Applicants are judged on academic competence, school participation, and community involvement. Applicants must plan to enroll in an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall.
This is our tenth year of giving out our scholarship. Previous winners have come from Pine Creek, Falcon, and Lewis-Palmer High Schools, The Classical Academy, and home schooled students. The last nine years we have given one award of $1,000. This year, thanks to community support and several donations from local business, we are able to give three awards of $1,500 each.
Special thanks to Mark Wild with Security Service, Brian Leland with Tri-Lakes Disposal, Cheryl Pixley with ReMax Advantage, Buddy Starr with DocuMart, Table Rock Llamas, ImagesInInk, EverAfter Stories, and Maggie Mae Sharp with Maggie’s Quill who are among our community donors with numerous additional donations from patrons to our shows. Craft Guild members also give a portion of their profits to the scholarship fund.
To donate, please contact Sally Burr at 491-8819 for more information.